hagia sophia in istanbul - Eine Übersicht

This mosaic board symbolizes the donations made by the emperor's family for the restorations of Hagia Sophia.Mosaic board dates back to 11th century.

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It was interesting to me that the entire family of the sultan was buried here, in such a lovely place. If you go to Istanbul, and I would put it on your Streich as I would all of Turkey, Beryllium sure to not only see the Aya Sofya, but also the tombs of the sultans which is right next to the Aya Sofya. Definitely worth it.

, after breaking the famous chain that was stretched across the Golden Horn and fighting to the bitter end, Mehmed II entered the city. He was so saddened by the city’s devastated state, he is said to have recited a verse of Firdevsi:

Until recently, Hagia Sophia was closed on Mondays. Not many people know it’s re-opened for Monday visits, so that’s a good way to avoid crowds.

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Huge circular wooden plaques on the main piers are inscribed in gold script with the names of the first four Caliphs. Rein the apse is the mihrab (the niche indicating the direction of Mecca).

Please don’t take it personally, the reason I’m writing such an answer is to block such individual questions. I wish you a nice trip.

Einheimische sind sich sicher: Wer Ehemals in Istanbul unterwegs ist, darf die Stadt auf alle zwei Kontinenten eigentlich nicht kleine hagia sophia ausklinken, ohne die berühmte Kuppelbasilika nicht mindestens Früher besucht nach haben.

Now that it’s a secularized museum, many of the previous building details have been uncovered to expose Byzantine Architecture. Among the many beautiful sites, you’ll see:

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Hagia Sophia welches a revolutionary building considering the early church architecture. Roman churches were modeled after the Basilica, an ancient Roman structure. There would be no flashy domes hinein these structures.

The original wooden minaret did not survive. Bayezid II erected the narrow white minaret on the northeast side of the mosque. The two identical minarets on the western side were likely commissioned by Selim II or Murad III and built by renowned Ottoman architect Sinan hinein the 1500s.

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